TABLE I. Operating Conditions.
220° ± 2.8°C
Test gear temperature
(428° ± 5°F)
Test gear speed, rpm
10,000± 10
Test-oil inlet temperature
205° ± 2.8°C
(401°± 5°F)
Test-oil flow rate, mL/min
(271± 5)
Test-oil pressure
103.4 ± 34.5 kPa gage
(15 ± 5 psig)
Support-oil inlet temperature
73.9° ± 2.8°C
(165°± 5°F)
Support-oil pressure
To load-oil system
827.4 ± 69 kPa gage
(120 ± 10 psig)
To step up gearbox
To WADD gear machine
241 ± 34.5 kPa gage
(35 ± 5 gage)
Airflow to seals
0.33 ± 0.047 L/sec
(0.70 ± 0.10 cfm)
6.1 Test Procedures
6.2 Preparation for test.
1. Turn on main electric switch and main water valve to test cell.
2. Push instrument button to "ON" position.
3. push support oil sump heater button to "ON" position.
4. Turn radiometer function switch to "READY" position.
5. Turn on power supply to induction heater and place induction heater filament
switch in "ON" position.
6. Inspect test oil system to see that it was thoroughly cleaned and dried after
previous test.
7. Remove gear case end cover.
8. Clean a set of new plated test gears with petroleum ether, and dry with air.
9. Measure gross tooth width of the narrow test gear with a micrometer, and record
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