6.5.5 Used oil analysis. The following laboratory tests are run on the new and used oil
ASTM method
Viscosity at 37.8C (100F), cSt
D 445
Viscosity at 98.9C (210F), cSt
D 445
D 446, using a pH 11 endpoint
Neutralization No., mg KOH/g
6.5.6 Test-oil flow rate check. During operation, the test-oil flow rate is checked at the
incorporated test-oil flow rate measuring system once every 3 h. The system is located in the
scavenge line as shown on Figure 2. It consists of a three-way valve located in the scavenge line
which permits routing of the oil into an open 1000-mL separatory funnel. The funnel stopcock
tube leads to a two-way valve which connects to the scavenge line. The test-oil flow measuring procedure is carried out by setting the three-way
valve to route the oil into the funnel for a period of 1 min, at which time the valve is reset to its
normal position. After the oil volume is measured, the two-way valve and stopcock are opened
to drain the oil in the funnel back into the scavenge line. The two-way valve and stopcock are
closed after the oil is drained in preparation for succeeding test-oil flow rate determinations.
Care is taken to prevent air entering the scavenge line upon draining the separatory funnel. At the completion of the test, while the test oil is still hot, the sump and test-oil
system is drained into a suitable container so that the volume of test oil remaining can be
determined. After the volume of test oil has been measured (room temperature) and recorded, 1
L (1 t) of the test oil should be poured into a clean container and saved for laboratory analyses.
6.5.7 Rig photographs. As soon as practical, the rig is disassembled and 10
12.7 cm (4
5 in) color photographs are taken of the following components:
a. Bearing compartment with cover removed - front view.
b. Heater mount - rear side.
c. End cover - rear side.
d. Seal plate in housing - heater and bearing removed.
e. Test bearing - inner race, rollers, and cage assembly close-up, 45 angle, 0
f. Test bearing - inner race, rollers and cage assembly close-up, 45 angle,
180 position.
g. Test bearing - outer race close-up, inside diameter, 0 position (adjacent to
test-oil jet).
h. Test bearing - outer race close-up, inside diameter, 180 position.
A typical set of photographs, reduced and in black and white, is shown on Figure 5.
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